In Search Of Fall


Such a lovely time of year…or so I hear. In Southern California we don’t get much in the way of fall so on our recent road trip we searched for signs of the changing seasons.

Near the painted desert in Arizona we did not see many signs of autumn.


But it was nice nonetheless.


We stayed in a charming Bed & Breakfast.


By the time we reached Missouri we began to see a few signs of fall colors. Not as much as expected. It seems fall is late this year and our trip was a little too early.


It was rather lovely at The Precious Moments Chapel in Carthage, Missouri.


If you don’t know the story (and I didn’t) about the founder of Precious Moments,


it is worth reading this touching story.

Ste, Genevieve, Missouri was our next stop. This is a quaint town along the Mississippi River.


Fall also means Homecoming and Football games. We attended a local Homecoming parade here and it brought back memories of fall days gone by.



The Mississippi River, clouds, and a bright blue sky also made me think fall.


Warm days and cool nights.


In Chicago, however,  we pulled out our coats. We had the opportunity to take part in the Buffalo Bro radio show. Buffalo Bro is a true Chicago icon. A real cowboy in the Midwest. He is also a muralist and a professor when he is not hosting a University radio show.


(Did I mention he is also my brother-in law?)


Fall finally showed some of its colors in Wisconsin where we visited our granddaughter and her family.


Kansas offered miles and miles of farmlands.


And prairies… but not much else.


Heading home through the Rocky Mountains…


… we finally found the fall colors we were in search of.



 as we drove by Las Vegas in the early morning hours, we reflected on the 4,700 miles and 14 states traveled.


We returned home to 100 degree weather.

Coats went back in the closet and guess what?

I didn’t mind a bit.

After all…

There is no place like home.

12 thoughts on “In Search Of Fall

  1. Looks like a wonderful trip! So glad you found the autumn you were looking for. And lovely to get to see the family. But you are right in that it’s always nice to come home again.


  2. That’s quite a trip you took. I’ve been to the painted desert a couple of times when we lived in Arizona but never stayed at a nice bed and breakfast. 🙂 The Precious Moments Chapel even had my husband reaching for the freely supplied tissue. I had not expected to be so moved by it. The muddy Mississippi is quite the river. I lived in St. Louis for a few years and worked downtown along it’s banks. I remember remarking to my husband as we crossed Kansas to visit our farm just north of Joplin that Kansas was miles and miles of miles and miles. He owned 160 acres there for most of his life. The only place I have not visited is Chicago and Wisconsin. Vegas did not impress me. Got married there. 😦
    But you are right. It’s fun to go adventuring and it’s better to come home. Though with your heat, I’m not sure I would have. 🙂 I’m still trying to swallow the idea of your granddaughter having a family! You are too young for that!


  3. How many days were you away to do a trip like that? I tried to convince my husband to take twelve months tripping around the States in a camper, but couldn’t bring him on board with that idea. Then I thought, hmmmmm, to see it all, we could only allow one week per State . . . I think I see the problem 🙂 AND We used to have an ad with the tag line: “Home . . . it’s our favourite destination”. We still feel the same. Lovely to travel. Lovelier to come home.


  4. I didn’t know about the Precious Moments phenomenon – what a lovely story. The chapel looks very pretty and family friendly. You saw some signs of fall in the end though – just like a season to show up late when you are looking for it! America is so huge – you travelled such a long way and still didn’t cover half of it – it boggles my mind really! Your brother in law sounds a most interesting fellow – lots of strings to his bow 🙂 Like you I love to go away, but love even more to return home. I love to have guests too and love it just as much when the house is mine again.


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