My sewing machine saga continued

Thommmee bought me a beautiful vintage sewing machine this week.


I have recently been obsessed with sewing machines while I try to decide what I am going to do about my machine. These old machines are quite something. I remember my mom had something very similar.

When researching this machine, I found that there is a wealth of information about these classics on the internet. There is a large blog community, a Facebook page, and multiple websites to help you date, clean, repair, fix, use, collect, and anything else you can think of on these old machines.  Although it does not seem most of them are worth a great deal of money, I feel fairly confident that Thommmee’s $20 was well spent.

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While I can appreciate the beauty of this machine, I don’t plan to keep it.  First, my machine does not seem to have a long future before her. After taking her to the sewing machine center, I found out that it will cost $169 to repair. I only paid $149 for her new (well, refurbished) 4 1/2 years ago. They were able to get her running again while in the store, but she still conks out after a while.  I have to baby her along so I know her days are numbered.


Secondly, I have a rather small sewing room (at least I have a room so I am very grateful for that)! I just do not have enough space to justify keeping it.  While at the store I  discovered I really need three machines to make the type of projects I am interested creating!  I need my basic sewing machine…

…one for embroidery…


…and a serger .


  I actually came away feeling like I stepped into a new world of possibilities.  I am a bit embarrassed to admit that some of technology was new to me. Yes, I have been sewing for many years,  have been to quilting shows and craft fairs but did not spend much time looking at these fancy machines. I guess I thought they were a bit beyond me for some reason. I had no idea what could be done with these fabulous machines! I immediately came home and added each of these machines to my wish list.  The salesperson was very informative. She helped by showing me which machines would work best for my needs.

I first must take care of my immediate problem. That, of course, is my  workhorse sewing machine…the one that will do the majority of the work and day-to-day stitching.

Sooooooo…after many hours of research I made a decision.

This is the sewing machine I finally decided upon.

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Now all I have to do is be patient  until it is delivered!!

4 thoughts on “My sewing machine saga continued

  1. Thank you, Marlene. Yes, it is very frustrating. I guess I was under the delusion that if I purchased a halfway decent machine it would last 20 years like my mother’s sewing machine did! 🙂 I am happy to say my new machine is working out very well and I am happily spending my days stitching along.


  2. Ah, the machine dilemma.I think everyone that sews goes through it. I bought a new machine last year for my birthday. It sews quite well but the embroidery is not as easy as my old one from the same company. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a project and having machine problems. Especially if there is a time crunch. Wishing you well with your new purchase.


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